Rungus cultural heritage
The Rungus people who are from Kudat have a rich cultural heritage. The Bavanggazo Longhouse is a traditional longhouse of the ethnic group which can be visited by travellers. Those who want to go a step further and immerse in a fuller Rungus experience can also opt to stay overnight here for a fee.
The Rungus people are also known for their colourful beadworks, which used to serve as currency in the olden days. Brides were married off with enough amount of beadworks that denoted the status of the family; the more the bride donned, the richer she was. It was also a form of dowry from the bride's side. Now, the beadworks are more commonly used as accessories.
In fact, there is a village dedicated to beadmaking called Kg Tinangol, Matunggong. The community there, which live in modern longhouses also make Rungus beadworks, mostly for tourist attraction.